Lewis Goldberg and Jennifer Freyd created the BBTS in 1999. Prior to the BBTS, Jennifer Freyd and Anne DePrince had developed the Betrayal Trauma Inventory (BTI). The BBTS was designed to be much shorter than the BTI, while stilll useful for measuring exposure to betrayal trauma. During the winter and spring of 2000 the BBTS-12 was administered to the first sample by Goldberg and Freyd. The BBTS-14 was administered to the same sample in 2003. The results of these first two administrations of the BBTS are reported in Goldberg and Freyd (2006). The instrument was also used by Freyd and her students in other projects, and by other researchers as well. In some of the early reports the instrument was called the "Freyd-Goldberg" and by various other names.
Please send citations of studies using the BBTS to Jennifer Freyd at jjf@dynamic.uoregon.edu
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