Ethics, Power, and Oppression in Psychology

Instructor: J Freyd (with participation of P Birrell)
Mondays, 1:30-3:30, SPRING 1996
Jennifer J. Freyd
University of Oregon
3 credits
pass/no pass only
instructors permission required
prerequisites: none


TOPICS by Weeks

April 8 Jennifer and Pam Intro, feminist therapy theory
April 15 Jennifer and Pam Grad Training/Teaching
April 22 Wendy and Stephanie Feminist theory/oppression
April 29 Heather and Spark Power issues in therapy relationships
May 6 Carie and Ruth Chilly climate/research bias/feminist methodology
May 13 Glenn and Cindy sexual orientation/ethics of disclosure
May 20 Linda and Mara science, "objectivity," power issues, value systems
[May 27 No class -- Memorial Day Observed]
June 3 Patricia and Lisa Ethics in research/feminist epistemology
June 10 Jessica and Karen mentoring and supervision relationship


Readings by weeks

April 8:

1. "On professionalism" by Miriam Greenspan. In _When boundaries betray us: beyond illusions of what is ethical in therapy and life_ Ed: Heyward, Carter; HarperSanFransisco, 1993 pp 193-205

2. "A feminist model of decision making" by Marcia Hill, Kristin Glaser, Judy Harden. In _Ethical decision making in therapy: Feminist perspectives_ Eds: Elizabeth J. Rave & Carolyn C. Larsen; Guilford Press, 1995 pp 18-37

3. "Feminism and ethics" by Laura S. Brown. In _Subversive dialogues: Theory in feminist therapy_ BasicBooks, 1994 pp 200-226

4. Feminist Therapy Institute Code of Ethics, 1987, pp 37-40


April 15:

1. Email message from J. Freyd with forwarded message from graduate student in 1991.

2. Tabachnick, B.G., Keith-Spiegel, P., & Pope, K.S. (1991). Ethics of teaching: Beliefs and behaviors of psychologists as educators. American Psychologist, 46, 506-515.

3. Pope, K.S. & Feldman-Summers, S (1992) "A National Survey of Psychologists' Abuse History and Their Evaluation of Training and Competence in the Area of Abuse." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, 353-361.

4. Pope, K. S. & Tabachnick, B.G. (1993) "Therapists' Anger, Hate, Fear, and Sexual Feelings: National Survey of Therapist Responses, Client Characteristics, Critical Events, Formal Complaints, and Training." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 24, 142-152.

5. Zalk, S. R., Dederich, J., Paludi, M. Women Students' Assessment of Consensual Relationships with their Profesessors: Ivory Power Reconsidered. Published as Appendiz 1 (pp 99-114) in Pauludi & Barrickman (1991) Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A resource manual. SUNY Press.

6. Stimpson, C. R. Overreaching: Sexual harassmen and Education. Published as Appendix 2 (pp 115-122) in Pauludi & Barrickman (1991) Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A resource manual. SUNY Press.

7 (general to course). "Ethical principals of psychologists and code of conduct" from American Psychologist, 1992, v 47, pp 1597-1611.


April 22:

1. Bayer, R. (1987) Homosexuality and American Psychiatry. Princeton U Press. Pp, 54-60 on Thomas Szasz.

2. Breggin, P. (1991) Toxic Psychiatry. chapter 14, Suppresing the passions of women. 316-343.

3. Foucalt, Michel. (1965) Madness and Civilization: A history of Insanity in the age of reason. Vintage. pp. 277-278.

4. Ussher, J. M. (1991) Women's Madness: Misogyny on Mental Illness? U of Mass Press. Chapter 7: The feminist critiques. pp. 160-209.


April 29:

1. Laura Brown's therapy consent form, distributed by email already

2. Brown, Laura (1994). _Subversive Dialogues_ Basic Books. pp 92- 123, 211-223.

3. McHenry, Sherry and Johnson, Jackie (1993) Homophobia in the therapist and gay or lesbian client: Conscious and unconscious collusions in self-hate. _Psychotherapy_ v. 30, pp 141-150.

4. People with mental illness are different from us. Safe Newsletter v 1,#1, p8. Adapted from The Mouth, Voice of Disability Rights.

5. Yeomans, Jackie (1988). Getting there and hanging in: The story of WCREC a women's service collective. In: _Women power and therapy_ pp 293-303. Ed: Braude, Marjorie, Haworth Press.

6. Smith, Adrienne J. and Douglas, Mary Ann. (1990) Empowerment as an ethical imperative. pp43-46. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds) Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy. Springer Publishing Company.

7. Lerman, Hannah and Rigby, Dorothe N. (1990) Boundary violations: Misuse of the power of the therapist. pp 51-58. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds) Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy. Springer Publishing Company.

8. Adleman, Jeanne and Barrett, Susan E. (1990) Overlapping relationships: Importance of the feminist ethical perspective. pp 87-90. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds) Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy. Springer Publishing Company.


May 6:

Acker, J., Barry, K., & Esseveld, J. (1983). Objectivity and truth: Problems in doing feminist research. Women's Studies International Forum, 6, 423-435.

Caplan, P. J. (1994). Damned if you do, damned if you don't. In Lifting a ton of feathers (pp. 64-75). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Sandler, B. R. & Hall, R. M. (1986) The Campus Climate Revisited: Chilly for Women Faculty, Administrators, and Graduate Students. Washington, DC:Project on the Status and Education of Women, Association of American Colleges. (complete work: pp 1-28)

Sherif, C. W. (1987). Bias in Psychology. In S. Harding (Ed.), Feminism and Methodology (pp. 37-56). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Shields, S. (1975). Functionalism, Darwinism, and the Psychology of Women. American Psychologist, 30, 739-754.

Also on Reserve for Interested Readers: Sandler, Bernice R. (1991) "Women faculty at work in the classroom: or Why it still hurts to be a woman in labor." Communication Education: 1991, Vol. 40 p.6-15.


May 13:.

1. Ballou, Mary (1990), "Clients' Rights, Values and Context", pp 239-247. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds ) Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy. Springer Publishing Co.

2. Brown, Laura S (1990), "Confronting Ethically Problematic Behaviors in Feminist Therapist Colleagues", pp 147-159. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds), Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy. Springer Publishing Co.

3. Faunce, Patricia Spencer (1990), "Self-Care and Wellness of Feminist Therapists", pp 123-130. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds), Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy. Springer Publishing Co.

4. Greenspan, Miriam (1986), "Should Therapists Be Personal? Self-Disclosure and Therapeutic Distance in Feminist Therapy" pp 5-17. In Doris Howard (Ed), The Dynamics of Feminist Therapy. Haworth Press.

5. Peterson, Marilyn (1992), "Psychological Wounds: The Victim's Response", pp 105-140. In At Personal Risk. W.W. Norton and Co.

6. Pope, Kenneth and Bouhoutsos, Jacqueline (1986), "Therapists at Risk", pp 33-45. From Sexual Intimacy Between Therapists and Patients. Praeger Publishers.

7. Rigby, Dorothe N. And Sophie, Joan (1990), "Ethical Issues and Client Sexual Preference", pp 165-175. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds), Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy. Springer Publishing Co.


May 20:

1. Seligman, M. E. P. (1995). The Effictiveness of Psychotherapy: the Consumer Reports Study. American Psychologist, 50, 965-974.

2. Bartky, S. L. (1995). Toward a Phenomenology of Feminist Consciousness, in Tuana, N. & Tong R. (Eds.) "Feminism and Philosophy". Westview Press. [396-406]

3. Gergen, K. J. (1994) "Objectivity as rhetorical achievement" Chapter 7 in Realities and Relationships: Soundings in Social Construction. Harvard Univ. Press. [pp 165 - 182]

4. Armstrong, Judith G. (1996) Emotional issues and ethical aspects of trauma research. In E.B. Carlson (Ed) Trauma Research Methodology, Sidran Press. [pp 174-187]

5 Unger, Rhoda and Crawford, Mary (1996) "Introduction to a feminist psychology of women" chapter 1 in Women and Gender: A feminist psychology. McGraw-Hill. [pp 1-27]


June 3:

Target article plus commentary: Rosenthal, Robert (1994) Science and ethics in conducting, analysing and reporting psychologiacl research. Psychological Science vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 127-134.

Pomerantz, James R. (1994) Vol. 5, no. 3, pp135-136
Parkinson, Stanley (1994) Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 137-138.
Gurman, Ernest B. (1994) Vol. 5, no. 3, p. 139
Mann, Traci. (1994) Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 140-143.
Colombo, John (1995) Vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 318-319
Mordock, John B. (1995) Vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 320-321.
Rosenthal, Robert (1995) Vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 322-323.

Hubbard, Ruth (1995). Science and Feminism In Profitable Promises. Essays on Women, Science and Health. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press. pp. 197-203

Hubbard, Ruth (1995). In a science restructured along feminist lines, would the laws of gravity no longer hold? In Profitable Promises: Essays on Women, Science and Health. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press. pp. 205-217

Kathryn Pyne Addelson, "Knower/Doers and Their Moral Problems,"in Feminist Epistemologies, ed. Linda Alcoff and Elizabeth Potter (New York: Routledge, 1993), 265-294.


June 10:

1) Bernice Resnick Sandler (1993). Mentoring: Myths and realities, dangers and responsibilities. In Deborah C. Fort (Ed.) _A hand up: Women mentoring women in science_ (pp 271-279). Association for Women in Science.

2) May Ann Dutton & Elizabeth Rave (1990). Ethics of feminist supervision in psychotherapy. In Hannah Lerman and Natalie Porter (Eds), _Feminist Ethics in Psychotherapy_ (137-146). Springer Publishing Co.

3) Natalie Porter & Melba Vasquez, et al (in press). Covisions: Feminist supervision, process, and collaboration. [This is a manuscript that Natalie Porter kindly faxed to me for use in this course.]